Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A little bit of inspiration.

Hello beautifuls.

Today's blog is a bit of a cop-out on my part due to the fact that the phylogeny of vertebrate evolution is a lot more difficult to memorize than I thought it would be...

BUT never fear!  Instead of writing an article, I decided to post a few of my favorite quotes about loving and accepting yourself and your body, quotes that I go back to when I'm having a hard time doing the same thing myself.  I definitely think they'll speak to you, hopefully they'll inspire you, and just maybe you'll have one of those awesome "aha!" moments that so many of these have brought to me.

One of my favorite things about quotes, really good quotes, is that you can hang onto them.  I keep a list of the ones that inspire me most on my phone so that I always have them with me for those moments I need a little push in the right direction.  I truly believe that the attitude you have approaching problems big and small determines 99% of your success, and so when I just can't seem to put a smile on, sometimes I can find solace in these.  Hopefully you can do the same!

So check it out!  I find it most productive to read one of them, pause, and really consider it.  I know that sounds so 6th grade ("don't forget to pause and think about what you've just read!"), but it really does help get the message across.  Here are 8 of my favorite quotes about loving and accepting yourself just as you are:


There you have it!  If you don't have time to go through and think on them right now, no worries.  Maybe you can find a few minutes over the upcoming holiday to really meditate on a few of your favorites and see where that takes you!

If, on the other hand, you need a little something extra to get you through the holidays (which are unfortunately sometimes filled with the innane opinions of family and old friends about who you should be and how you should get there and why whatever you're doing right now is somehow wrong), I also maintain a Pinterest board where I pin tons of quotes and pictures that I find inspiring and encouraging.  Check that out here: "One Size Does Not Fit All".

More than anything, just remember that, even if certain others don't recognize how amazing you are, even if you can't see it in yourself yet, you truly are beautiful and wonderful and inspiring, just the way you are.  And once you realize that, nobody can take it away from you.

One more for the road, party rockers:

And that's the slice!



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